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Craft beer now more popular than Budweiser in the U.S.

Beer & Wine Celebration Food & Drinks

Craft beer fans rejoice (or, alternatively, traditionalists despair)! The past decade or so has seen an astronomical rise in the popularity of craft beer in America, and now the independently crafted beverages have reached a milestone in their slow creeping domination of the American market. According to the Washington Post, Americans now drink more craft beer than plain Budweiser, with the craft industry shipping 16.1 million barrels in 2013 compared to Budweiser's 16 million.

Although this figure doesn't include Bud Light sales, it is still representative of a shift in taste that points to a generational divide. According to Anheuser-Busch's own report, about 44 percent of Americans aged 21 to 27 have never touched a drop of Bud. Meanwhile, craft beer sales increased by 17.2 percent in 2013 to reach 14 percent of the total beer market. In an attempt to reach younger viewers, Anheuser-Busch has removed their classic Clydesdale horses from this season's beer ads and replaced them with contented Bud-swilling millennials. However, that decision led to backlash online. Jordan Weissman wrote in Slate Magazine, "Budweiser is stuck in the middle, and some new commercials aren't going to pull it back out."

Meanwhile, it's not too late to hop on the craft beer train; it doesn't seem to be leaving the station anytime soon. New breweries are cropping up all over the country, offering unique beers that celebrate the traditions of their local areas. If you want an impressive way to serve craft beer to your friends and family, take a look at these double-walled stainless steel beer mugs from StainlessLUX. They'll have your guests saying "cheers" and clinking glasses to their hearts' content. For more stainless steel accessories, just browse our online store.

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