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Why you should eat ice cream in the fall and winter

Eating Healthy Food & Drinks Ideas & Tips Kitchen

There is nothing wrong with enjoying ice cream in the winter. As a food, ice cream comes with numerous health benefits. It is both a source of vitamins A, B-6, B-12, C, D and E and it increases the amount of thrombotonin in the human brain, a hormone attached to our happiness and the reduction of stress. But there are several other reasons for eating ice cream, even in the winter, with perhaps most of all being that it tastes good.

Still, if detractors attempt to rain on your pistachio parade, here are other ice cream perks that make eating it at during the cooler months nothing short of appropriate:

Apple Ice Cream: Apples grow in the fall, so it only makes sense to celebrate the remaining weeks of colorful leaves and the impending frost that will accompany the holiday season with a bowl or two of something delicious and apple-flavored. For preparation, the apples are heated until they become a concentrated apple butter, spiced with cinnamon and then cooked into a thick custard. 

Grapefruit, Lime, and Tequila Sorbet: With what may be the perfect winter warmer that doubles as a palette cleanser, this flavor of ice cream is essentially a summer cocktail that's been converted to match the winter weather, especially with the way that a grassy tequila mixed into the recipe offsets the bitterness of the grapefruit. 

Lower cancer risks: Ice cream has always been known for its calcium but what may be a lesser known fact is that the calcium helps reduce chances of colon cancer, certainly a desirable benefit to be added to the well-known upside of stronger bones. 

And while you enjoy the smooth pleasure that comes with your favorite flavor of ice cream, you should use StainlessLux's Small Double-walled Stainless Steel Ice Cream Cup which would make for a creative bridal shower gift or one of several small housewarming gifts. Shop our website today!

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